
The Three Lines of Defense and the Ponzi Scheme Paradox: It Will All Come Tumbling Down!

In risk management and compliance circles, the three lines of defense model has long been the go-to approach. Widely adopted by banks, corporations, and institutions, it’s often presented as a structural safety net, separating operational roles, risk oversight, and audit functions to create checks and balances. When rigidly followed or implemented superficially, this model risks […]

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What Are People Risks Costing Your Business Without You Knowing?

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, people-related risks pose some of the greatest threats to organisational success, yet many companies continue to overlook or underestimate them. Risk Practitioners and businesses must stop viewing people risks as “someone else’s problem.” Too often, these risks are seen as issues for the HR department alone, but they affect

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The Global Risk of Disparity Between Skills Needed and Skills Available in the Workforce

By Horst Simon, The Original Risk Culture Builder In the modern, rapidly evolving global economy, the disparity between the skills required by employers and the skills available in the workforce is an increasingly critical issue. This skills gap threatens economic growth, innovation, and competitiveness on a global scale, increasing the exposure to risk for all

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Building an Effective Cyber Risk Culture by applying the Four-Pillar Risk Culture Building Approach

By Zlatko Vuevski In today’s digital landscape, the omnipresence of cyber threats demands a robust and dynamic approach to risk management within organizations. The traditional siloed mentality towards risk is no longer viable, necessitating a cultural shift towards proactive and holistic risk management. To achieve this, organizations must adopt a comprehensive approach that addresses both

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Why Risk Culture Building should be the most important item on the Board Agenda

Making the cultivation of an effective risk culture the foremost priority on the Board agenda is imperative for all corporate organisations, given its pivotal role in safeguarding long-term viability and reputation. In an era characterized by heightened regulatory scrutiny, evolving market dynamics, and escalating cyber threats, the establishment of an effective risk culture is essential

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Embracing AI: Confronting Our Own Inadequacies

In the realm of technological advancement, few topics stir as much debate and concern as Artificial Intelligence (AI). While some envision a future enriched by AI’s potential to streamline processes and enhance human capabilities, others harbor deep-seated fears of a dystopian reality where machines dominate and humanity loses control. However, amidst these divergent perspectives lies

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Risk Management 5.0?

Or actually; the effective Management and Optimization of Risk 5.0! The world is in a revolutionary transformation marked by the seamless integration of humans and artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace. Spearheaded by thought leaders such as John Nosta, the Fifth Industrial Revolution is set to usher in an era where humans and AI collaborate

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“Stormchasing”: Success in the Effective Management of Risk

Storm chasing is a unique and exhilarating activity that involves pursuing and observing severe weather phenomena, particularly storms and tornadoes. While it may seem like an extreme and risky hobby, storm chasers can be considered brilliant risk managers due to their meticulous planning, advanced technology utilization, and dedication to understanding and mitigating potential hazards whilst

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